Vila i frid
Idag dog min gammelfarmor hon blev 93 år och det sista hon gjorde var att sjunga, enligt mig säger det en hel del. Hon gick bort i sin egen säng och hon var nog ganska lycklig, lite virrig men ändå var hon den farmor Eva som har funnits hela mitt liv.
Jag tycker att det är svårt att uttryka mig ibland men det brukar funka när man skriver av sig så det är vad jag gjorde.
A life can be long
Filled with fear and joy
Tears and Laugh
Love and sorrow
Dreams might come true
But if they don’t you will find your own way to the stars...some day
Life is like a roller coaster
Sometimes its up and sometimes its down
The up parts is grate
But when you least expect you will drive over a corner and find your self on the way down.
It can go so fast.
Everything is grate, your family is fine, work is okay and you have grate friends it’s almost like you can’t find anything that’s totally wrong.
It’s at that moment the unexpected take place and somebody leaves this world fore something that no man can explain.
Haven, paradise or just ends up on a train going somewhere ware she was so happy, together with her loved ones again.
Maybe she is looking after us that what I think, that a long as we keep her in our harts she will have a place in her hart fore us, laugh at us, and take her worm hand upon our heads when we cry just to make us understand that she will always be with us.
Every moment
Every day
For ever
Until that one day when it’s our time to be on that train, then she will wait for us at the end the tunnel and welcome us to the place where we will find out what the next chapter is about
Vila i frid farmor Eva
Du var bäst och jag älskar dig <3
Fin text. R.I.P.!<3